Workshops & Courses
Maximum participation inclusivity community and culture
We want at least 80% of the room able to pick up our dances / instruction, to a good standard, so we have studied how kids pick up movement, music preferences and what the majority like to do and feel comfortable having a go at. And we get it, school isn't a dance studio, you don't want professional dancers, you want bigger more holistic outcomes, we got you.
We tailor everything, this is your dance workshop boutique service. We work with you to create a flexible program that is fully customisable and approachable for all age groups.
Dance is an integral part of all school curriculums however it can be difficult to teach as it is a skill that takes years to properly develop. With over 40 years experience Move For Life staff are all professional dancers with a passion for teaching and are here to help you to enhance your schools curriculum.
Our workshops are designed to not only teach dance but to help develop students socially and emotionally with elements of partnering, expression and creativity all within appropriate age and skill boundaries.
Programs are fully customisable to the schools needs whether it be based around a particular class theme or working toward an end performance we can work with all criteria. With this in mind our workshops always focus on maximum participation, inclusivity, and a desire to create community and culture within the school.

Online Workshops
Our online teaching support programs are a fantastic addition to any school curriculum. Many P.E and Arts curriculums require dance to be taught however most teachers in these subjects have not been adequately trained to deliver dance education and are often intimidated by the thought.
We have developed a full dance curriculum for primary schools that is comprehensive and most importantly easy for teachers to implement. Each year group receives age and skill appropriate lesson plans that can be adapted by teachers in whatever way best suits their classroom.
Workshop options include:
Standard single workshop session
Standard whole school package
Tailored single workshop session
Tailored whole school package
Our workshops are designed to not only teach dance but to help develop students socially and emotionally with elements of partnering, expression and creativity all within appropriate age and skill boundaries.
Tailored programs are fully customisable to the schools needs whether it be based around a particular class theme or working toward an end performance we can work with all criteria.
After School Activities or Extra curricular activities
Aimed at Kindergartens and Primary Schools, our After School Activities or Extra Curricular Activities are smaller scale groups that are worked towards a performance goal at the end of the term, or for kindergartens, a process goal for the end of term depending on the age group.
These classes place higher focus on the way we move our bodies and developing more control over our movements so we can then choose why, when and how. We focus on performative aspects to empower children, and encourage students to explore their creative and expressive abilities through music, movement and performance.
We also ensure that our students are well mannered, kind and self aware humans.
Every term we offer our 5+ year old students an in-school performance AND an optional performance at an exciting venue.
Every year we perform at AIA Carnival, Disneyland and Ocean Park with over 200 performers each year.
Our Classes:
Kindergarten ECA's up to 6 years old
Senior Crew (Rec. 9-12yrs)
Junior Crew (Rec. 5-8yrs)
Little Movers (Rec. Under 5's)
Need a Move For Life Class at your school?